IDOH (Infectious Diseases and One Health) is a partnership of some of Europe's leading research-intensive universities in the field of infectious diseases and the "one health" concept. The three founding partners are Université de Tours, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Hannover Medical School.


The funding by the EU was not prolonged in the 2024 application round. Thus, we are working on a new project starting in September 2025 without ERASMUS Mundus scholarships (intake 2025-2027). We will post information on our website as soon as possible (possibly by mid of November).

In case we manage to set up a new cohort, the call for applications will start in December 2024. Candidates can apply for getting a position among the 25 offered self-funded student seats.

We advise you to check for updates on the website regularly as we have no more detailed information at this stage.