What is the IDOH Day?
What is this day ?
This one-day international conference aims to bring together students and young professionals with top-researchers and professionals that are working on the development and implementation of integrated approaches to address current global health problems
The programme will cover a range of topics such as One Health in Action, EIDs Preparedness, Bioinformatics and Disease modelling, among others.
Aim of this event
We believe that it is important for students to see how the one health approach as well as research in the infectious diseases field is applied in the real world, therefore we wish to expose them to a few examples of international researchers and professionals that are currently working in this field. Furthermore, it will help all assistants to the event, but particularly the students and alumni, to get to know the different options they have after graduation as well as the different fields that they could pursue for their professional career development, being in academia, the industry, government or international agencies by enabling them to meet and network with the invited speakers and other event assistants. Additionally, we aim to promote international collaboration and scientific interdisciplinary exchanges with our event.
Our Audience:
Students, researchers and professionals from Biological and Health sciences areas.
Meet our partners:
We currently have the support for the organisation of the event and financial sponsorship from:
- Fédération de Recherche en Infectiologie (FéRI) - région Centre Val de Loire
- Institute National de Recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAe) - Centre Val-de-Loire
Other parties supporting the organisation:
- Université de Tours (UT) - Faculté de Pharmacie Philippe Maupas
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH)
- University of Edinburgh (UoE)